
Module ContentsΒΆ



Read a DICOM structured report file and generate a plain text representation


async itkwasm_dicom.structured_report_to_text_async.structured_report_to_text_async(dicom_file: os.PathLike, unknown_relationship: bool = False, invalid_item_value: bool = False, ignore_constraints: bool = False, ignore_item_errors: bool = False, skip_invalid_items: bool = False, no_document_header: bool = False, number_nested_items: bool = False, shorten_long_values: bool = False, print_instance_uid: bool = False, print_sopclass_short: bool = False, print_sopclass_long: bool = False, print_sopclass_uid: bool = False, print_all_codes: bool = False, print_invalid_codes: bool = False, print_template_id: bool = False, indicate_enhanced: bool = False, print_color: bool = False) strΒΆ

Read a DICOM structured report file and generate a plain text representation

  • dicom_file (os.PathLike) – Input DICOM file

  • unknown_relationship (bool) – Accept unknown relationship type

  • invalid_item_value (bool) – Accept invalid content item value

  • ignore_constraints (bool) – Ignore relationship constraints

  • ignore_item_errors (bool) – Ignore content item errors

  • skip_invalid_items (bool) – Skip invalid content items

  • no_document_header (bool) – Print no document header

  • number_nested_items (bool) – Number nested items

  • shorten_long_values (bool) – Shorten long item values

  • print_instance_uid (bool) – Print SOP Instance UID

  • print_sopclass_short (bool) – Print short SOP class name

  • print_sopclass_long (bool) – Print SOP class name

  • print_sopclass_uid (bool) – Print long SOP class name

  • print_all_codes (bool) – Print all codes

  • print_invalid_codes (bool) – Print invalid codes

  • print_template_id (bool) – Print template identification

  • indicate_enhanced (bool) – Indicate enhanced encoding mode

  • print_color (bool) – Use ANSI escape codes


Output text file

Return type:
